Non-Disclosure Agreement Singapore

Non-Disclosure Agreement Singapore: A Comprehensive Guide

Non-disclosure agreements (NDAs) are legal contracts between two parties which restrict the sharing of confidential information. In Singapore, NDAs are commonly used in business transactions, employment contracts, and collaborations.

In this article, we will discuss the basics of NDAs in Singapore, their key provisions, and the legal consequences of breaching them.

Why Use an NDA?

The use of NDAs helps protect confidential information that businesses and individuals want to keep private. Confidential information can include trade secrets, customer lists, financial information, technical data, and other proprietary information that can give a competitive advantage.

NDAs are particularly important in today’s digital age where sensitive information can be easily shared through various mediums.

Key Provisions of an NDA

An NDA should include the following key provisions:

1) Definition of Confidential Information: It is important to clearly define what constitutes confidential information. This can include any information that is not generally known and that has commercial value.

2) Purpose: The purpose of the NDA should be defined clearly. This can include the reason for sharing confidential information, the duration of the agreement, and the consequences of breach.

3) Exclusions: There can be some information that cannot be considered as confidential. These exclusions should be clearly defined in the agreement.

4) Obligations of the Receiving Party: The receiving party should agree to maintain the confidentiality of the information shared and not to disclose it to any third party. In addition, they should agree to use the information only for the purpose defined in the agreement.

5) Obligations of the Disclosing Party: The disclosing party should ensure that the information shared is accurate and complete. In addition, they should clearly define the exclusions and any obligations of the receiving party.

Legal Consequences of Breaching an NDA

The legal consequences of breaching an NDA in Singapore can be severe. The most common remedy sought is an injunction to prevent the disclosure or use of confidential information. In some cases, damages can also be claimed for losses suffered as a result of the breach.

It is important to note that NDAs can have limitations. For example, an NDA cannot prevent a receiving party from using confidential information they have independently developed or obtained lawfully from another party.


In conclusion, NDAs are an essential tool to protect confidential information. While NDAs can have limitations, they are generally effective in safeguarding proprietary information.

If you need assistance with drafting or reviewing an NDA in Singapore, it is advisable to seek legal advice from a lawyer experienced in commercial law.

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